Is it Easy to Get Wealthy?

Kamau Ngigi
5 min readOct 12, 2021


How to get wealthy is a question that lingers in us every other day. We hear about people who strike it rich by winning the lottery or starting a business that could become the next super-brand. It would be safe to conclude, if not logically, but emotionally, that these are cases of sheer luck. After all, they are so rare and random.

Even if you assume that these stories embody possibilities for us, there is still more than meets the eye in the quest for richness.

It is not what they say it is. We cannot hope to win a lottery or be that next up-and-coming entrepreneur. However, we can most certainly get rich by following some basics and staying the course. It’s hard work, no doubt about it, but anyone can do it if they try. The thing is, most people aren’t ready to go all sweaty and achieve success. They are too comfortable roaming about their spaces with no real goal at all.

Take the first step, whatever you do. It is not difficult to reach prosperity if only you are willing to try. If you want it, then go for it — that is the trick. Do not give up after one failure or another, even if the fails happen more often than success stories. It would help to have some mentor to guide you, someone who has already trodden this path before.

Are you Discouraged?

Otherwise, do not be discouraged; take your time. It is never too late or early to set out on a new journey. You are here now, so pick up the stones of your life and start over again. Before doing anything, it will be wise to know what it takes and how to follow through with the process. First, it would be good to create a map of the road you are going to navigate.

This article is not about getting rich quickly, but rather how anyone can easily gain riches in life despite the odds being against you. Even if you have been dealt a bad hand from the start, you must believe this because it will help you navigate the journey.

Characteristics of Being Wealthy

First, becoming wealthy is not an easy feat; this may be contrary to what many think; it takes time and effort. It will require mental strength and physical energy to remain focused on whatever goal or dreams you have set out for yourself. As such, the following characteristics will determine you’re wealth.

Let’s see them before we go into a list:

You are an excellent example to the world by giving money for charity work and helping others without expecting something in return. Giving is an essential trait because it will help you become known and recognized among your peers and beyond what you have already accomplished, like succeeding in the business industry or whatever field.

What to Do to Get Wealthy

The following steps will ensure you become wealthy:

  • Once you have identified your dream, all it takes is being responsible and accountable for your actions. Make sure what you do will benefit not only yourself but the world as well.
  • If you’re reading this publication, chances are you’re already pursuing a career that is relatively aligned with one of the points above. Now, here’s where things get complicated (and fun too). You will find that you can set goals that are ambitious enough to make a difference.
  • Who says money can’t buy happiness? The key here is to find out how much money it takes for you to be happy. It does have to be a million dollars. Little by little, you will get there.
  • You can also work on your business part-time while still employed, which is what many entrepreneurs do. Once your business starts to generate income, it’s time for you to quit your day job and focus all of your attention on the company until it becomes profitable.
  • There are many ways in which you can engage yourself and find them fun as well as profitable.
  • There are also other options like investments in start-up companies, where you can use your money. You can start up a company that deals with something that interests you. For example, if you love fashion, it’s time to put that knowledge to good use and open up an online store where you sell clothes or accessories. If this works for you, then go ahead and follow your dream. Find someone to help you with the design aspect since you don’t have to spend too much time designing.
  • You could also get a site, for example, create your website and sell everything yourself! Building a site might take a lot of time, research, and effort, but it’s one way you can start being financially independent.

The Process

So what are the hard things you will encounter in trying to achieve wealth? Is it not easy enough to go through the process, or what is the best way to go about it? Below are some of the hard things you might experience not going about being wealthy.

  • You have to maintain a particular lifestyle. As such, the day you decide to be rich, your lifestyle should already be set up and running. If you don’t put a lifestyle in place on the first few days of becoming rich, you are likely not to succeed in your quest to get rich or build enough wealth to support your current lifestyle.
  • You have to keep up with the Jones’s because if you stop working towards getting rich, other people will overtake you, and this means that you might never catch up again to become wealthy ever again in your lifetime. The best way of keeping pace is to stay ahead of others all the time.
  • You shouldn’t show off just yet. There is a lot of work to be done before you make all of your money. In the meantime, you should stay as inconspicuous as possible until you complete creating a lifestyle to support your current style and standard of living.
  • If you are not satisfied with how much time is needed to succeed in this venture, then may I suggest that you’re not ready to become rich. People do not understand how time works when it comes to money. Most people say that it is not essential since you are already becoming wealthy once the time is not a factor in your success.


My take is that the rich and the poor will remain with us until we figure out a better way of advancing in society. The rich ones will continue getting richer while the poor ones will keep on dreaming of becoming rich. However, the process of being wealthy is a steady one. Unless you get to win the lottery, you have to be patient while working towards your desired goal.



Kamau Ngigi

I am a Freelance Content Writer specializing in Business Finance and Editing. I provide stories from from blog posts to essays centered around personal finance.